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Effective Way to Use Cannabis to Study

Studying causes strain and tiresomeness. It demands focus and requires proper use of study time. In college it is normal to have test and quiz in a weekly basis. Students get to do several exams in a short period. This is evident that the amount of focus required is enormous. However, different strains of cannabis have different reactions on users. Some users can handle quite a large amount of cannabis compared to others. Below are some ways to cannabis to study while keeping at bay its drawbacks from this cannabis university .

It is evident that different users have different ability to handle cannabis. It is important to know your limits as a cannabis user. If you are new to cannabis use then start with small quantities. Heavy consumption of cannabis tends to decrease the users energy levels and leave them foggy-headed. Using cannabis in small quantities produces some overwhelming effect. You can always re-dose as needed.

You should use the most comfortable way possible of consuming cannabis. Smocking is the highly preferred method for consuming cannabis but its not the most comfortable. However, there are many other better alternative ways of consuming cannabis. Get the method that suits you the best.

You dont necessarily use cannabis when attending lectures. You can get flexible by using cannabis before or after lectures. This is because cannabis can have a distinct reaction on users depending on time of consumption. You can get comfortable by choosing you best time of consuming cannabis.

Having the correct strain plays a key role. Different strains have different reactions when taken. The most common strains are Indica and sativa. Indica strains tend to make users so high. They make users sleepy and may give them the munchies. The indica strain gets the user distracted. Sativa on the other hand has an uplifting effect on user. Users get a clear headed and energetic feeling when consuming sativa. This means that sativa should be the ideal strain for studying purposes.

After all, using cannabis to study is one thing. Studying while high on cannabis can be quite a challenge. For you to be able to take advantage of cannabis to study, you need commitment. You should be able to take a nap and some few stretches to refresh in the case you have a heavy feeling and sleepiness from taking cannabis. You can perform a few exercises to open your veins. If you are in a position to shower do not hesitate. You can consider having some caffeine or lots of clean water to help you stay alert. Ensure you stay away from distraction. last but not least, consider a quiet environment where you can concentrate.

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